On high-gradient islands in the tropics, erosion of unpaved roads can be a significant and chronic source of sediment that can degrade streams, wetlands, and nearshore coastal waters. Thus, NOAA and their partners developed the first ever guidance manual aimed at reducing erosion and sediment delivery from unpaved roads in Pacific and Caribbean island jurisdictions. This guidance document helps users identify the cause of unpaved road erosion; develop a strategy for addressing the problem; and implement that strategy on a specific road, or on a larger, ecologically-meaningful scale (i.e., watershed or municipality). The manual provides recommended unpaved road design standards and best management practices to minimize erosion, improve drainage and accessibility, and reduce the burden for long-term maintenance. More importantly, this guide offers suggested elements for building or improving municipal road programs to ensure that unpaved roads do not become a chronic sediment source or public nuisance. Partners in this effort include NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program and Restoration Center, Horsley Witten Group, Protectores de Cuencas and other jurisdictional partners.